Gu Quan
Publish Date:2015/06/11 Views:

QUAN GU (古泉)

Education and work Experience

2014.8- present



Xiamen University, P.R. China.SchoolofArchitectureand Civil Engineering.


2010.4- 2014.8

Asso. Professor


Xiamen University, P.R. China.SchoolofArchitectureand Civil Engineering.


2009.3- 2010.4

PostDoctoral Researcher

University of California at San DiegoLouisiana State University Department of Structural Engineering



2008.3 – 2009.3

Geotechnical Engineer

 AMEC Geomatrix. Address:510 Superior Avenue,  Suite 200, Newport Beach,CA92663



2001.9 - 2008.3



University ofCaliforniaatSan Diego. Department of Structural Engineering. Advisor: Professor Joel P. Conte.


1997.9 – 2001.7

M. S.

Tsinghua University, P.R. China. Hydraulic Engineering Department.



1992.9 – 1997.7

B. Eng.

Tsinghua University, P.R. China. Hydraulic Engineering Department.



Research Interests

Seismic Analysis of High-Rise Buildings and Bridges

Study of Soil Liquefaction

Soil - Structure Interaction (SSI)

Sensitivity, Reliability and Optimization

Multi -Scale Method Study

High-Speed Train-Track-Bridge Dynamic Interactions

Development of OpenSees


Guest Editor and reviewer

Guest Editor of special issue ‘large scale infrastructure’ in Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering (2014-2015)

Reviewer of Journals: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering; ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering; Advances in Structural Engineering; Engineering Structures; Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An international Journal.



Material Mechanics, Numerical Analysis (in English ), Plate and Shell analysis, Structural mechanics, Structural Dynamics


Research   Projects

PI projects:

20131-2017.12 Integration of research results based on OpenSees, subproject of Joint development of OpenSees and its application in earthquake-induced disaster evolution of civil infrastructures, Major International (China-US) Cooperation and Exchange Research Project funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) with No. 51261120376. 3,000,000 Yuan. PI of sub-project funds 700,000 Yuan.


2013.1-2014.12 Gauss points based discrete element - finite element multi -scale concrete structures analysis method, Tsinghua University, State Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences & Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 100,000 Yuan.


2013.1-2015.12Sensitivity and reliability analysis of nonlinear soil structure interaction system based on OpenSees , " Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Province. 300,000 Yuan.


2013 DDM-based response sensitivity analysis of nonlinear sandy soil- structure interaction system , Scientific Research Foundation for returned overseas students , as Project Leader , 30,000 Yuan .


2014.1-2015.12, Analysis of train track coupling system based on OpenSees, National Engineering Laboratory of high-speed railway construction, Central South University, 100,000 Yuan.


2014.1-2015.12, Numerical modeling and Software Development of overhead conductors, Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Company, 750,000 Yuan.


2016.1-2019.12” An elastoplastic numerical substructure method for study of seismic

damage and failure process of super high-rise buildings”, funded by NSFC720,000 Yuan.


2017.1-2020.12” The hazard preventions and simulations for high performance structures by physical and numerical substructure methods” funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology through National Key Program of Research and Development, 600,000 yuan.


Co-PI Projects:


2012.7-2012.12, as one of the Chinese representative to attend "the third Major Engineering and Urban Environment Disaster/Recovery of China-US Cooperation Seminar", at the University of California, Berkeley. Natural science fund, 75000 yuan. As the participant, received 25000 yuan.


2013-2015 " Integration of Earthquake Disaster of Major Building and Bridge: Integration and Verification of Structural Earthquake Disaster Results Based on the OpenSees and other Simulation Platform ", sub-project of the Integration Project--the Major Research Plan of NSFC, 2.6 million, as the major participants.



Journal Publications



1.          Y Gao, Q Gu*Z QiuJ Wang, 2016, Seismic Response Sensitivity Analysis of Coupled Dam-Reservoir-Foundation Systems, ASCE J of Eng Mech. online available.

2.          Q. Gu, Z. Yang*Y. Peng, 2016, Parameters affecting laterally loaded piles in frozen soils by an efficient sensitivity analysis method, Cold Regions Science and Technology       vol.121, pp 42-51.

3.          Q. Gu, Z. Qiu. S. Huang*, A modified multi-yield-surface plasticity model: sequential closest point projection method. 2015, Computers &Geotechnics, vol. 69, pp 378-395. 2015 Frozen soil pile interaction

4.          X LingX DuY ChenH LiuQ Gu*G Wang, 2015, Forward to: Recent development of earthquake engineering and soil dynamics for large-scale infrastructure, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, vol.76.

5.          Huang S., Ozcelik O.,Gu Q.* 2015, A Practical and Efficient Coupling Method for Large Scale Soil-Structure Interaction Problems, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2015, 76:44-57.

6.          Gu, Q*. Performance and risk assessment of soil-structure interaction systems based on finite element reliability methods, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, pp1-16.

7.          Gu. Q*, Yu C, Lin P, Ling X., Tang L, Huang S, Performance assessment of a concrete gravity dam at Shenwo reservoir of China using deterministic and probabilistic methods, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, vol. 5, 2014.

8.          Gu Q, Zona A*, Peng Y, Dall'Asta A, Effect of buckling-restrained brace model parameters on seismic structural response, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 98, pp100-113. 2014.

9.          Zhang Y., Pan P.*, Gu Q., Yang J., Deng K. 2014, Development of Collaborative Structure Analysis (CSA) System and Its Application to Investigate Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Volume 18, Issue 7.

10.  Gu Q., Wang G*. 2013, Direct Differentiation Method for Response Sensitivity Analysis of a Bounding Surface Plasticity Soil Model. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Volume 49, PP 135–145.

11.  Gu Q., Barbato M., Conte J.P.*, Gill P.E., and McKenna F. 2012, OpenSees-SNOPT Framework for Finite Element-Based Optimization of Structural and Geotechnical Systems. Journal of Structural Engineering, (ASCE), Volume 138, Issue 6.

12.  Gu Q., Ozcelik O.*, 2011, Integrating OpenSees with other software -- with application to coupling problems in civil engineering, Structural Engineering Mechanics, An International Journal. Volume 40, (1.

13. Gu Q., Conte J.P.*, Yang Z. and Elgamal A., 2011, “Consistent Tangent Operator for a Multi-Yield-Surface J2 Plasticity Model”, Computational Mechanics (ASCE), Volume 48, Number 1, 97-120.

14. Barbato M., Gu Q*. and Conte J.P., 2010, “A new multidimensional visualization technique for limit-state surfaces in nonlinear finite element reliability analysis.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, (ASCE), Volume 136, Issue 11, pp. 1390-1400.

15. Barbato M., Gu Q*, and Conte J.P., 2010, “Probabilistic Pushover Analysis of Structural and Geotechnical Systems.” Journal of Structural Engineering, (ASCE), Volume 136, Issue 11, pp. 1330-1341.

16. Gu Q., Barbato M. and Conte J.P.*, Dec.2009, “Handling of Constraints in Finite Element Response Sensitivity Analysis.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, (ASCE). Vol 135 (12), Pages 1427-1438.

17. Gu Q., Conte J.P.*, Yang Z. and Elgamal A., June 2009, “Response Sensitivity Analysis of a Multi-Yield-Surface J2 Plasticity Model by Direct Differentiation Method”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.  Vol. 198(30-32), Pages 2272-2285.

18. Kerckhoffs R., Neal M., Gu Q., Bassingthwaighte J., Omens J. and McCulloch A.*, Jan. 2007, “Coupling of a 3D Finite Element Model of Cardiac Ventricular Mechanics to Lumped Systems Models of the Systemic and Pulmonic Circulation”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 1,  pp. 1-18.


User's manual



OpenSees Command Language Manual --- Response Sensitivity Analysis based on the direct differentiation method (DDM)`



Dedicated to the OpenSees development. Making many presentations on OpenSees Day and the PEER Annual Meeting, as well as in LSTC company, CSI company in the United States and Beijing Research Institute of Building Science in China. Making presentations in universities of China, such as Tsinghua university, Tongji university, Harbin institute of technology, Dalian University of Technology and so on.

Honors and Awards


2013, Funded by "Program for New Century Excellent Researchers in Fujian Province"

2011, " Outstanding teacher " for Students' Extracurricular Scientific Activities in Xiamen University

2012, advisor of students participating in American Mathematical Contest in ModelingMCM/ICM, Honorable mention award.

2012, excellent leader, 2012 summer practice in Xiamen University




My department has PhD program since 2015, and you are welcome to continue your advanced study in Xiamen University, which is said to have ‘the most beautiful campus’ in China.
