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邱志坚 助理教授

银河6163官方网站土木工程系 岩土工程方向









2015-2017Dr. Huang Memorial Scholarship Fund, University of California San Diego USA



1. 考虑砂土液化大变形的桩基桥梁抗震性能与地震风险分析(国家自然科学基金青年项目,522083712023-012025-12);主持

2. 液化侧扩流场地桩基桥梁破坏机理与数值仿真分析(福建省自然科学基金青年项目,2022J050022022-082025-08);主持

3. 高土石坝深厚可液化坝基碎石桩加固抗震性能评价(软弱土与环境土工教育部重点实验室,浙江大学,2022P052022-082025-08);主持

4. 液化场地桩基桥梁地震韧性评估方法研究(北京工业大学重点实验室校外开放课题,北京工业大学,2024B102024-042027-03);主持

5. 板桩码头地基地震液化研究与震灾风险分析(中央高校基本科研业务费,2024-012025-12);主持

6. “双碳目标下花岗岩残积土地区桥梁抗震性能与地震损失评价(中央高校基本科研业务费,2024-012025-12);主持

7. 砂土液化分析(Soil Liquefaction),美国加州交通部(Caltrans, No. 65A0548,项目主持人:Ahmed Elgamal教授;20152018);参与

8. Seismic Risk Assessment of Wind Turbine Towers in Zafarana Wind Farm Egypt(美国国家自然科学基金,U.S. NSF award OISE-1445712,项目主持人:Ahmed Elgamal教授;20152019);参与

9. Meshfree large-strain framework for seismic response of ground-structural systems(美国加州大学伯克利太平洋地震科学研究中心,PEER TSRP,项目主持人:Ahmed Elgamal教授;2020-2022);参与


[1] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Prabhakaran, A., Lu, J., Elgamal, A. and Zheng, Y. (2024). Sustainability and Resilience Assessment of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge Subjected to Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 150(4), 04024016.

[2] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Elgamal, A. (2024). Seismic performance of a sheet-pile retaining structure in liquefiable soils: Numerical simulations of LEAP-2022 centrifuge tests. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 176, 108330.

[3] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Prabhakaran, A., Su, L. and Zheng, Y. (2024). Multihazard resilience and sustainability evaluation of coastal RC bridges under sequential earthquake-tsunami events. Ocean Engineering, 299, 117208.

[4] Zhao, F., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Pan, K., Zheng, Y. and Wu, Q. (2024). Liquefaction resistance of anisotropically consolidated sand under monotonic and cyclic undrained torsional shear. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 179, 108553.

[5] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Prabhakaran, A., Zhou, Y.G. and Elgamal, A. (2023). A practical three‐dimensional plasticity model for cyclic degradation of soil in earthquake loading applications. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 52(12), 3835-3852.

[6] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Prabhakaran, A., Su, L. and Zheng, Y. (2023). Performance-based seismic resilience and sustainability assessment of coastal RC bridges in aggressive marine environments. Ocean Engineering, 279, 114547.

[7] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Prabhakaran, A. and Elgamal, A. (2023). A three-dimensional multi-surface plasticity soil model for seismically-induced liquefaction and earthquake loading applications. Acta Geotechnica, 1-24.

[8] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Yu, Z., Su, L., Prabhakaran, A., Elgamal, A. and Wang, X. (2023). Longitudinal seismic fragility assessment of an integral bridge-ground system in liquefaction-induced lateral spreads. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 168, 107838.

[9] Gu, Q., Huang, C., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Wang, T., Li, Q. and Zhai, C., 2023. A Novel Method for Seismic Resilience Assessment of Urban Hospital Network Systems Based on a Real-Time Simulation Model. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, p.2450050.

[10] Prabhakaran, A., Kim, K., Jahed Orang, M., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Ebeido, A., Zayed, M., Boushehri, R., Motamed, R., Elgamal, A. and Frazao, C. (2023). Polymer Injection and Liquefaction-Induced Foundation Settlement Mitigation: A Shake Table Testing Investigation. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(8), 04023054.

[11] Gu, Q., Lin, Z., Wang, L., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Huang, S. and Li, S. (2023). A novel peridynamic solution for modelling saturated soil-pore fluid interaction in liquefaction analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 162, 105686.

[12] Wu, Q., Huang, L., Zhao, F., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Zheng, Y. (2023). Liquefaction behavior of inherently anisotropic sand under cyclic simple shear: Insights from three-dimensional DEM simulations. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 171, 107947.

[13] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Lu, J., Ebeido, A., Elgamal, A., Uang, C.M., Alameddine, F. and Martin, G. (2022). Bridge in Narrow Waterway: Seismic Response and Liquefaction-Induced Deformations. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(8), 04022064.

[14] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Ebeido, A., Almutairi, A., Lu, J., Elgamal, A., Shing, P.B. and Martin, G. (2020) Aspects of bridge-ground seismic response and liquefaction-induced deformations. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 49(4), 375-393.

[15] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Elgamal, A. (2020). Three-dimensional modeling of strain softening soil response for seismic loading applications. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(7), 04020053.

[16] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Elgamal, A. Numerical simulations of LEAP centrifuge tests for seismic response of liquefiable sloping ground. (2020) Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 139, 106378.

[17] Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), Lu, J., Elgamal, A., Su, L., Wang, N. and Almutairi, A. (2019). OpenSees Three-dimensional computational modeling of ground-structure systems and liquefaction scenarios. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 120(3), 629-656.

[18] Su, L., Zhang, X., Xie, L., Zhang, P., Zhang, A., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Ling, X. (2022). Response characteristic of crane-wharf interaction system: Numerical simulation and global sensitivity analysis. Ocean Engineering, 266, 113011.

[19] Zayed, M., Ebeido, A., Prabhakaran, A., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Elgamal, A. (2021) Asymmetric input motion for accumulation of lateral ground deformation in laminar container shake table testing. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(2), 210-223.

[20] Zayed, M., Ebeido, A., Prabhakaran, A., Kim, K. Qiu, Z. (邱志坚), and Elgamal, A. Shake table testing: a high-resolution vertical accelerometer array for tracking shear wave velocity. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2020, 44(4).

[21] Li, Y., Huang, S., Lin, C., Gu, Q. and Qiu, Z. (邱志坚). (2017) Response sensitivity analysis for plastic plane problems based on direct differentiation method. Computers & Structures, 182, 392-403.

[22] Gao, Y., Gu, Q., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Wang, J. (2016). Seismic response sensitivity analysis of coupled dam-reservoir-foundation systems. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142(10), 04016070.

[23] Gu, Q., Qiu, Z. (邱志坚) and Huang, S. (2015) A modified multi-yield-surface plasticity model: Sequential closest point projection method. Computers and Geotechnics, 69, 378-395.

[24] 周林禄, 苏雷, 邱志坚, . 基于OpenSees的砂土本构模型对比研究.地震工程学报, 2022, 44(01): 128-135.

[25] 古泉, 俞至权, 邱志坚. 考虑碎石桩加固的液化场地桥梁地震风险分析. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 49(07):178-185.

[26] 邱志坚, 古泉. 三维混凝土Cap模型在OpenSees中的实现. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2015, 35(02): 236-241.

[27] 古泉, 曾志弘, 邱志坚, . 土结构相互作用体系动力响应的敏感性分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2015, 11(S1): 80-86.
