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发布时间:2022年03月30日 21:10 点击数:

肖龙珠 助理教授 硕士生导师























Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research ProjectSafety, Reliability, and Disruption Management of High Speed Rail and Metro Systems2017-2021,结题,参与。

Hong Kong RGC Research Impact FundEnhancing Safety, Punctuality and Ride Comfort of Railway Transportation: From Local Metro System to Global High-speed Rail Network2019-2023,结题,参与。

Hong Kong RGC General Research FundA Study on the Passenger-carried Fire Load and Risk for Metro Stations2017-2020,结题,参与。




Xiao L, Liu J*, Wu S. The effects of TOD on economic vitality in the post-COVID-19 era. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 2025, 58: 101247.(第一作者,JCR二区)

Xiao L, Xu W*. Urban spatial cluster structure in metro travel networks: An explorative study of Wuhan using big and open data. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2024, 11: 231-246.第一作者,JCR一区)

Xiao L*, Liu J. Exploring non-linear built environment effects on urban vibrancy under COVID-19: The case of Hong Kong. Applied Geography, 2023, 155: 102960.(第一作者、通讯作者,JCR一区)

Xiao L, Lo S, Liu J*, et al. Nonlinear and synergistic effects of TOD on urban vibrancy: Applying local explanations for gradient boosting decision tree. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, 72: 103063.(第一作者,JCR一区)

Xiao L, Lo S, Zhou J, et al. Predicting vibrancy of metro station areas considering spatial relationships through graph convolutional neural networks: The case of Shenzhen, China. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2021, 48(8): 2363-2384.(第一作者,JCR二区)

Xiao L, Lo S, Liu J, et al. Paying for travel distance and time saving: transit fare and benefit mismatch and its justice implications. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2021, 147(3): 04021040.(第一作者,JCR三区)

Xiao L, Yang L, Liu J*, et al. Built environment correlates of the propensity of walking and cycling. Sustainability, 2020, 12(20): 8752.(第一作者,JCR二区)

Xiao L, Xu W*, Liu J. Detecting urban dynamics with taxi trip data for evaluation and optimizing of spatial planning: The example of Xiamen City, China. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2016, 4(3): 14-26.(第一作者,JCR四区

Liu J, Xiao L*. Non-linear relationships between built environment and commuting duration of migrants and locals. Journal of Transport Geography, 2023, 106: 103517.(通讯作者,JCR一区)

Liu J, Xiao L*. Socioeconomic differences in effect size: predicting commuting mode choice of migrants and locals using a light gradient boosting approach. Transportation, 2022, 51: 1-24.(通讯作者,JCR一区)

Liu J, Yang L, Xiao L*, et al. Perceived neighborhood environment impacts on health behavior, multi-dimensional health, and life satisfaction. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10: 850923.(通讯作者,JCR一区)

Liu J, Wang B*, Xiao L*. Non-linear associations between built environment and active travel for working and shopping: An extreme gradient boosting approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 2021, 92: 103034.(通讯作者,JCR一区)

Liu J, Zhou J, Xiao L*. Built environment correlates of walking for transportation: Differences between commuting and non-commuting trips. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 2021, 14(1): 1129-1148. (通讯作者,JCR四区)

Liu J, Xiao L, Wang B*. The varying effects of residential built environment on travel behavior of internal migrants and locals. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2024, 34: 100692.

Han Y, Qin C, Xiao L, et al. The nonlinear relationships between built environment features and urban street vitality: A data-driven exploration. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2023, 23998083231172985.

Li M, Liu J*, Lin Y, Xiao L, et al. Revitalizing historic districts: Identifying built environment predictors for street vibrancy based on urban sensor data. Cities, 2021, 117: 103305.

Liu J, Xiao L, Yang L, et al. A tale of two social groups in Xiamen, China: Trip frequency of migrants and locals and its determinants. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2020, 20: 213-224.

Huang P, Ma Z, Xiao L, et al. Geographic Information System-assisted optimal design of renewable powered electric vehicle charging stations in high-density cities. Applied Energy, 2019, 255: 113855.

Li Y*, Ye Y, Xiao L, et al. Classifying community space at a historic site through cognitive mapping and GPS tracking: The case of Gulangyu, China. URBAN DESIGN International, 2017, 22: 127-149.

Li Y*, Xiao L, Ye Y, et al. Understanding tourist space at a historic site through space syntax analysis: The case of Gulangyu, China. Tourism Management, 2016, 52, 30-43.

刘吉祥, 肖龙珠*, 周江评, . 建成环境与青少年步行通学的非线性关系——基于极限梯度提升模型的研究[J]. 地理科学进展, 2022, 41(2): 251-263.(通讯作者,CSSCILiu J, Xiao L*, Zhou J, et al. Non-linear relationships between the built environment and walking commuting of adolescents: Applying an XGBoost approach. Progress in Geography, 2022, 41(2), 251-263. (In Chinese)

刘吉祥, 肖龙珠, 王波*. 建成环境对老年人活力出行的影响——基于极端梯度提升决策树的研究[J]. 科技导报, 2021, 39(8): 102-111.(共同一作,CSCDLiu J, Xiao L, Wang B*. Built environment impacts on active travel of the elderly: An XGBoost approach. Science and Technology Review, 2021, 39(8), 102-111. (In Chinese)

刘吉祥, 周江评, 肖龙珠*, . 建成环境对步行通勤通学的影响——以中国香港为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(6): 807-817.(通讯作者,CSSCILiu J, Zhou J, Xiao L*, et al. Effects of the built environment on pedestrian communing to work and school: The Hong Kong case. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(6), 807-817. (In Chinese)

陈可石, 刘吉祥, 肖龙珠*. 人文主义复兴背景下旅游小镇城市设计策略研究——以西藏鲁朗旅游小镇城市设计为例[J]. 生态经济, 2017, 33(1): 194-199.(通讯作者,CSSCIChen K, Liu J, Xiao L*. Research on Strategies of Urban Design of Tourist Towns Basing on Humanism: Taking the Urban Design of Lulang Tourist Town of Tibet as an Example. Ecological Economy, 2017, 33(1), 194-199. (In Chinese)


肖龙珠. 大数据与机器学习技术语境下城乡规划学背景的数字化城市设计教学探索. 数智赋能:2022全国建筑院系建筑数字技术教学与研究学术研讨会论文集. 华中科技大学出版社, 2022, 169-173.


担任CitiesJournal of Transport GeographyApplied GeographySustainable Cities and SocietyTransport PolicyTravel Behaviour and SocietyTransportation Research Part AEnvironment and Planning BResearch in Transportation Business and Management国际期刊审稿人。




Excellent Presentation at the 12th USTC-CityU PHD Student Workshop




